Uniquely Shaped Wedding Rings
Wedding rings on sale today are no longer limited to circular bands with one or more diamonds set on it. One can easily find various shapes and designs of both engagement and wedding bands on sale in many jewelry boutiques. Currently, many shaped bands may be found in the market. The shaped wedding ring comes in many styles. By shaped, what is meant is the ring could have a profile or cross section that is different.
It could be a plain flat or a flat band with softened edges. The flat band is the conventional style and is sleek in look or it could have softened edges. There are D-shaped as well. These are rings that mimic the shape of the letter D when it is viewed in profile. Another variation is the reverse D-shape.
Then there are the courting rings. These are curved and are said to be the most comfortable to wear. Variation of this style is the heavy courting which is thicker at the center than the previous mentioned ring. Next are the halo rings which look like a halo when viewed from the cross section.
Aside from the different cross sections,there are rings made to fit with engagement rings so that the wedding ring can be worn together. Some examples of these types are the jigsaw, caged, wishbone, wave, twist, underlay or overlay and the open styles.
The jigsaw style is often custom made to sit next to the engagement ring when it is worn. As the name implies, it fits like a jigsaw. On the other hand, the caged style surrounds the ring in such a way that the engagement ring is enclosed. Wishbone, wave and twist style refer to the shape itself. Underlay or overlay rings meanwhile are those with small section of the ring thinner or thicker so that the stone of the engagement band lies over or beneath the wedding ring. Open style meanwhile are open at the section where the stone of the engagement band is positioned so that the two rings can be worn together next to each other.
All these styles give wedding rings distinctive styles which can be customized to give one of a kind look and were spawned from the trend of wearing the engagement band together with the wedding ring. In the end, it all comes down to one's taste and preference, style and budget.
To learn more about the wedding rings and different considerations in buying these items you might want to visit diamondandweddingrings.com. The site is a leading expert in wedding rings London.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8301743