claw set diamond wedding ring

  1. Bespoke engagement ring design- Princess cut diamonds


    [caption id="attachment_685" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Twist style princess cut diamond solitaire engagement ring Twist style princess cut diamond solitaire engagement ring[/caption]

    If you're looking for a unique engagement ring, you may have come across princess cut square diamond engagement rings. This beautiful cut of diamond creates a unique in whichever way it might be set and here at Aurus London we wanted to celebrate this beautiful diamond cut, so we have therefore put together our favourite diamond engagement ring designs in which a princess cut diamond is the focus.

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  2. Designing the perfect engagement ring- Design the dream





    [caption id="attachment_536" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Bespoke engagement ring design service Bespoke engagement ring design service[/caption]

    When you begin your engagement ring search, you will notice a couple of things very quickly.

    One:  That high street engagement rings start to look very similar to a friend who just got engaged's ring, and the next and the next.

    Two, that you want something unique but you're not quite sure where to go because Hatton Gardens feels too 'trade-focused' for you to not feel like they are telling you what you want to hear, and that you might not be getting value for money.

    This is where Aurus

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  3. Princess Cut Diamond Engagement Rings- Design the Dream



    [caption id="attachment_685" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Twist style princess cut diamond solitaire engagement ring Twist style princess cut diamond solitaire engagement ring[/caption]

    If you're looking for a unique engagement ring, you may have come across princess cut square diamond engagement rings. This beautiful cut of diamond creates a unique in whichever way it might be set and here at Aurus London we wanted to celebrate this beautiful diamond cut, so we have therefore put together our favourite diamond engagement ring designs in which a princess cut diamond is the focus.


    [caption id="attachment_686" align="aligncenter" width="625"]

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  4. Contemporary Engagement Rings- Design the Dream

    [caption id="attachment_540" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Oval diamond solitaire engagement ring Oval diamond solitaire engagement ring[/caption]



    Finding a contemporary and unique engagement ring can be difficult, on the high street you will find a lot of sparkle and small diamonds which is not everyone's style. We know this and with Aurus London Bespoke Design Service you can create the perfect custom engagement ring.

    Choosing the colour and type of metal, along with the centre stone and the setting that holds it. Our designer Sophie will sketch up contemporary and modern engagement ring designs, based around your partners

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  5. The Diamond Guide- Design the Dream with Aurus London

    [caption id="attachment_536" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Bespoke engagement ring design service Bespoke engagement ring design service[/caption]

    If you have started your engagement ring search, you may know by now about the 4 C's and maybe even what they are. For all of you who do not know, or need a re-cap we are here to break it down and help you understand diamond characteristics, and why they are important. The majority of the price of an engagement ring will be held in the central stone, more often than not it is a diamond, and because every diamond is unique, you need to know what you are buying and to be confidant in your stone.

    So we have broken down the 4 C's for you with a few extra details

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  6. Shaped wedding rings- Design the dream


    [caption id="attachment_422" align="aligncenter" width="626"]Pinched Diamond Wedding Ring Pinched Diamond Wedding Ring[/caption]


    Finding the perfect wedding ring can be tricky when you go out for your first shopping trip, and quickly realise that a straight band does not fit next to your beautiful engagement ring. All of your preconceived thoughts about how your wedding ring would look can go flying out the window, and you might feel lost and overwhelmed at the prospect of considering another style.

    At Aurus London we make it our aim to find you the perfect wedding ring, a ring that you didn't even know existed is sat in our London showroom waiting for you to find it.

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  7. Design the Dream with Aurus London- Bespoke jewellery design


    [caption id="attachment_621" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Bespoke Wave inspired Pendant Bespoke Wave inspired Pendant[/caption]


    Non-traditional engagement rings are the flavour of the month, with holidays booked and ideas flowing, we are here to help you find the perfect engagement ring/engagement pendant/engagement jewellery. We are here to tell you that a diamond engagement ring, and even a ring full stop is not the only way to ask someone 'Will you marry me'

    The possibilities are endless when you start looking at engagement rings and you will see the same style crop up on Pinterest and the like, but if you know that your partner would want something sentimental and unique,

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  8. Engagement Rings for £1500 and under

    Vintage engagement ring


    The idea of engagement rings costing 3 months of wages is a marketing ploy to get you to spend more in specialist jewellers, but we at Aurus London are hear to tell you that you do not have to sacrifice quality by going to high street jewellers to find your engagement ring, just because you think that you won't be able to afford anything else. Any ring specialist worth their weight in gold (excuse us) will be able to create any engagement ring to fit any budget, and that is exactly what we do.

    The way that we differ to high street jewellers is that we do not sacrifice quality for quantity, all of our engagement rings are tailored and made to

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  9. Vintage Wedding Rings, What you need to know...

    Vintage wedding rings in london



    When it comes to beginning your wedding ring search the most useful starting point is your engagement ring. If it has a vintage design, antique in era, or you want to add detail to a solitaire diamond engagement ring, vintage wedding rings are always a favourite.

    At Aurus we have a huge selection of vintage style wedding rings, and a bespoke design service to create your dream wedding ring in our London showroom. We have art-deco inspired mill-grain and baguette diamond wedding rings, alongside patterned wedding rings with mill-grain edges. Don't automatically think that vintage

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  10. Modern Engagement Rings- Design the Dream



    [caption id="attachment_540" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Oval diamond solitaire engagement ring Oval diamond solitaire engagement ring[/caption]



    Contemporary engagement rings ultimately create a timeless classic design that will never age or look dated, and we love showcasing a beautiful diamond in an equally gorgeous, simple setting.

    If you want to begin designing your own modern engagement ring we have a couple of tips for you, to ensure that you design the dream engagement ring for your soon to be fiance.

    Tip One: Begin with the stone

    When designing an engagement ring the central focus will most

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