platinum ring

  1. Affordable engagement rings do not have to mean sacrifices in quality

    The world of engagement rings can seem very linear, with expensive price tags on 'aspirational' designs, and diamonds in every single part of the ring. So it's not surprising that if you don't have thousands to spend on a ring, that the High street seems to be the best place to try and meet in the middle, pretty designs, with a low price tag, because anywhere else will be too expensive, but we are here to tell you that it ain't so!

    At Aurus London, we create bespoke engagement rings, to fit you, and whilst the word 'Bespoke' eludes to super high end out of budget jewellery, with us this is not true.

    We design around budget, design preferences and personal tastes, whilst never compromising on quality. We might

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  2. Unique Wedding Rings For Men- Design your own

    Two Gold wedding rings, diamond wedding rings for men




    We all know that the wedding industry is focused on the ladies, meaning that gents can be left feeling a bit bewildered about what aspects apply to them, and what is available when they start their searches. Now one thing that we hear often is that men think that there are only a couple of different styles available for them when it comes to wedding rings, so this can mean that they either don't want to wear a wedding ring because they can't find one that they like, or they compromised

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