unique engagement rings

  1. The 5 facts you need to know about diamonds






    When you start your engagement ring search the stark reality of this unknown world can hit you like a tonne of bricks. You want to know what sort of engagement ring you can get for your budget, you want to know how to get the best possible deal without the chance of being ripped off, and most importantly you want to know that it's the perfect engagement ring.


    With this in mind, we have drawn upon our most asked questions and unknown entities when it comes to diamonds; in order to make your first steps into the engagement ring world easy.


    1. What is a good colour for a medium

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  2. Designing the perfect engagement ring- Design the dream





    [caption id="attachment_536" align="aligncenter" width="625"]Bespoke engagement ring design service Bespoke engagement ring design service[/caption]

    When you begin your engagement ring search, you will notice a couple of things very quickly.

    One:  That high street engagement rings start to look very similar to a friend who just got engaged's ring, and the next and the next.

    Two, that you want something unique but you're not quite sure where to go because Hatton Gardens feels too 'trade-focused' for you to not feel like they are telling you what you want to hear, and that you might not be getting value for money.

    This is where Aurus

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