unique wedding ring

  1. Vintage Style Wedding Rings- Design The Dream with Aurus London

    Website banner_Vintage (1)

    One of the most popular designs of wedding rings of 2018 is the vintage wedding ring, and at Aurus London we have a beautiful collection of styles that you can design to suit you perfectly.

    Our full vintage wedding ring design collection are available in our London showroom, and in your appointment our ring expert will be able to guide you through the rings taking your budget into consideration and tailoring the ring to be perfect for you. All of our diamonds can be changed to black diamond wedding rings, sapphire set wedding ring, rubies & even brown diamonds so the sky is definitely the

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  2. Finger print wedding ring- Design the Dream

    finger print engraving

    Trying to find a truly unique wedding ring is difficult, you don't want your ring to be like anyone else, your love isn't so why should your wedding ring be?

    At Aurus London we understand this, and that is why we specialise in tailor-made wedding rings. With us, you customise your wedding ring design and make it perfect for you, and one of the most popular ways of doing this is by engraving your partners finger print on the inside or outside of the ring. This is such a lovely touch, and makes your wedding ring like no other.

    Having a finger-print engraving connects your rings together like no other, and adds such

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  3. Unique Wedding Rings For Men- Design your own

    Two Gold wedding rings, diamond wedding rings for men




    We all know that the wedding industry is focused on the ladies, meaning that gents can be left feeling a bit bewildered about what aspects apply to them, and what is available when they start their searches. Now one thing that we hear often is that men think that there are only a couple of different styles available for them when it comes to wedding rings, so this can mean that they either don't want to wear a wedding ring because they can't find one that they like, or they compromised

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  4. Unique Wedding Rings for Women- Design The Dream





    Vintage diamond wedding rings

    Finding a unique diamond wedding ring that doesn't look like the traditional eternity ring is difficult, if you don't want a continuous setting of diamonds or perhaps design detail then our vintage wedding ring collection is for you.

    We have carefully chosen designs that have subtle details such as mill-grain detail, flush set diamond spaced around the ring, or even an art deco inspired geometric diamond ring, we have it all. With our tailoring service we can adapt

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  5. Finger-print engraved wedding rings- Design the Dream

    finger print engraving



    Trying to find a truly unique wedding ring is difficult, you don't want your ring to be like anyone else, your love isn't so why should your wedding ring be?

    At Aurus London we understand this, and that is why we specialise in tailor-made wedding rings. With us, you customise your wedding ring design and make it perfect for you, and one of the most popular ways of doing this is by engraving your partners finger print on the inside or outside of the ring. This is such a lovely touch, and makes your wedding ring like no other.


    Having a finger-print engraving connects your rings together like no other, and adds such

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  6. Unique Wedding Rings for Men- Design the Dream


    Two Gold wedding rings, diamond wedding rings for men




    We all know that the wedding industry is focused on the ladies, meaning that gents can be left feeling a bit bewildered about what aspects apply to them, and what is available when they start their searches. Now one thing that we hear often is that men think that there are only a couple of different styles available for them when it comes to wedding rings, so this can mean that they either don't want to wear a wedding ring because they can't find one that they like, or they compromised and go for a plain ring that they don't completely love.


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  7. How much are wedding rings?






    Through the years we have noticed many trends in behaviour for couples coming in to find their wedding rings, to name a couple of the less positive we would have to go with:

    • Expecting to get life-long wedding rings for less than £100 for both people
    • Expecting to get bespoke wedding rings the same day.

    Aurus is a unique wedding ring brand for one reason amongst many: our quality is guaranteed. So we will be explaining why we would recommend not following the above directions, and take the realistic and ultimately more effect route when shopping for wedding rings.

    To tell you

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  8. Shaped Wedding Ring Guide


    Shaped wedding rings

    More often than not we have customers come into our London showroom knowing that straight wedding rings do not fit well next to their engagement ring, there is often a gap, big or small which means that the wedding ring is not a perfect match for them.

    The reason they come through our door is because we have the largest selection of shaped bands in the UK. Spanning from plain shaped wishbones, or diamond set wedding rings with custom shaping to match their engagement ring shape, we have the ring you are looking for.

    To introduce you to the shaped wedding band world, we have listed the 4 most popular shaped band styles and the

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  9. Aurus London will be at The Wedding Fair ExCel September 17th-18th



    [caption id="attachment_493" align="aligncenter" width="289"]The Wedding Fair ExCel 2016 The Wedding Fair ExCel 2016[/caption]



    What is better than finding your perfect wedding ring with your dedicated ring specialist by your side? Having all of this with a 50% discount of course, and all of this is available this weekend with The Wedding Fair at ExCel London!

    Wedding Fairs are a fantastic source of  wedding planning, all of the top suppliers from your wedding region are all under one roof, offering amazing discounts to all visitors. Yes they're fantastic days out when you're looking for inspiration, but our

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  10. How much do you need to spend on wedding rings?



    [caption id="attachment_463" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Alec Vanderboom Alec Vanderboom[/caption]

    Most Brides and Grooms may not think that picking out wedding rings is as exciting as the wedding dress or Venue, but we are here to prove you wrong!

    Yes it may be a bit boring to go to a high street jewellers... to try on a ring over a glass counter... whilst you get distracted by earrings that may go really well with your dress... or cufflinks for ushers.

    However, at Aurus London we only supply wedding and engagement rings, so we are the specialists for you, we strive to  make the experience as luxurious and involved as possible.

    Sit back in our

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