design your own wedding ring

  1. Matching Wedding Rings- Design The Dream With Aurus London

    Vintage style wedding ring and matching wedding ring

    It is always a lovely idea to match your brides and grooms wedding rings, and being ring specialists' we know this, and have developed a huge collection of matching wedding rings.

    However, you do need to throw out your pre-conceptions of what matching wedding rings look like, because if a lady wants a full diamond ring, the chances are that the partner won't want so much bling on their wedding ring. So our matching wedding rings have design details that match and allow for each wearers personality and personal taste to be taken into consideration.

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  2. Vintage Style Wedding Rings- Design The Dream with Aurus London

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    One of the most popular designs of wedding rings of 2018 is the vintage wedding ring, and at Aurus London we have a beautiful collection of styles that you can design to suit you perfectly.

    Our full vintage wedding ring design collection are available in our London showroom, and in your appointment our ring expert will be able to guide you through the rings taking your budget into consideration and tailoring the ring to be perfect for you. All of our diamonds can be changed to black diamond wedding rings, sapphire set wedding ring, rubies & even brown diamonds so the sky is definitely the

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  3. Unique Wedding Rings For Men- Design your own

    Two Gold wedding rings, diamond wedding rings for men




    We all know that the wedding industry is focused on the ladies, meaning that gents can be left feeling a bit bewildered about what aspects apply to them, and what is available when they start their searches. Now one thing that we hear often is that men think that there are only a couple of different styles available for them when it comes to wedding rings, so this can mean that they either don't want to wear a wedding ring because they can't find one that they like, or they compromised

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